I need help with the on-call lifestyle & finding reliable childcare.
I know I need them, but I don’t have backup photographers.
I’m not ready for changing lighting conditions.
The unknowns that might happen at a birth scare me!
I’m not sure what to do in a birth if something goes wrong.
I don’t know if or when to stop shooting in an emergency.
I am uncomfortable shooting in low light and not sure what I’d do if I was in a dark nighttime birth!
After reading that, how much of it applies to you?
Now you know why you feel overwhelmed in birth photography right now, unable to move forward!
Imagine photographing a wedding or portrait session in the middle of the night with no lights on, and that's a peek into what lighting can be like for birth photographers!
It can feel intimidating to know how to craft beautiful photos when you don't know if the birth will be day or night, poorly lit or well lit, but preparing beforehand will set you up to conquer any lighting situation!
When you arrive at a birth, the last thing you want to do if flip through your manual trying to figure out how to make your camera do what you want it to do!
By mastering your birth photography camera skills before you arrive at the birth, you'll be able to focus on the changing conditions in the environment and serving your client well!
When you arrive at a birth, the last thing you want to do if flip through your manual trying to figure out how to make your camera do what you want it to do!
By mastering your birth photography camera skills before you arrive at the birth, you'll be able to focus on the changing conditions in the environment and serving your client well!
Professional birth photographers understand that unknowns are inevitable in birth, like missing the birth, arriving "too early," or dealing with a change in the client's birth plans.
BUT, you can control certain aspects of the experience for your client! In this module, you'll learn your special and specific role as the birth photographer as well as what "normal" birth looks like and what to do when things fall outside of "normal."
The best photo storytellers in birth follow a formula. Whether they realize it or not, there is a specific way to go about capturing not only TECHNICALLY correct images in birth, but also beautiful and artistic images each and every time.
Inside this module, you're going to discover what makes you unique as an artist and photographer (even if you've never photographed a birth) and repeat those skills over and over until you've mastered them to consistently deliver stunning birth images to your clients every time!
The best photo storytellers in birth follow a formula. Whether they realize it or not, there is a specific way to go about capturing not only TECHNICALLY correct images in birth, but also beautiful and artistic images each and every time.
Inside this module, you're going to discover what makes you unique as an artist and photographer (even if you've never photographed a birth) and repeat those skills over and over until you've mastered them to consistently deliver stunning birth images to your clients every time!
The Beauty in Birth Photography Course and Certification was created FOR BIRTH PHOTOGRAPHERS of any level, but particularly those just starting out. I created what I wish was available for me when I started my birth photography journey in 2012.
Our successful students who get results quickly inside the course have 3 similar factors:
1) PRIORITIZE: TBIBP intentionally has no busy work! Each lesson and worksheet is to help you get the FAST & effective results! I understand what it’s like to learn a new skill and grow a business with a spouse, kids and other jobs. Our successful students don’t let other things in their life stop them from making time for the modules and doing the work! They make time for the course!
2) DILIGENCE: Each lesson inside TBIBP is intentionally bite-sized so you can keep making progress one baby step at a time!
Of course, this can be difficult to answer because it depends on where you are in your photography journey right now. It will take a brand-new photographer longer, and an established photographer will likely get done faster.
However, I can guarantee you it will take you less time than if you tried to figure this out on your own!
If you can commit a few hours a week to watching the trainings and implementing the things you’re learning you’ll begin to see massive growth in your birth photography and be well on your way to becoming a certified birth photographer.
Once you enroll, whether you choose the payment plan or pay-in-full, you’ll get an e-mail with your course log-in info + link to join the private Facebook group.
You’ll also have immediate access to all 6 modules and all 4 bonus bundles.
You'll get access to the coaching call schedule so you can add them to your calendar!
The assessment inside the certification is based on the course material.
In short, if you don’t have access to the training it’s going to be difficult to pass the assessment.
The certification and the course are combined and only available together.
The truth is, TBIBP is a LOT more than how to shoot in manual.
Click here to read about what’s inside each module & click here to see the bonuses.
How to shoot in manual is a small portion of module 2, but there is a lot to be discovered inside the course even if you’re a pro at shooting in manual already!
Just because you’ve never photographed a birth doesn't mean you’ll somehow be behind or not right for this course.
In fact, I created it with you in mind!
To take you step-by-step through how to start up your business the right way, to learning the technicalities of birth photography and ultimately becoming certified!
The truth is, you won’t ever know if you love it until you try it!
Also, it’s completely ok to shoot births for a while and decide you’d rather specialize in another genre.
While I recommend choosing 1 specialty to grow your business quickly, once you become certified, you’ll always have that certification in your back pocket if you want to pick back up birth photography again.
We have a lot of certified photographers who also shoot other genres.
I totally understand that you likely have a lot going on right now. Family, kids, your business… but let me ask you a question.
If now isn’t the right time, when will be? Do you know?
If you don’t know, how long have you been putting off becoming certified or finally learning birth photography using “now isn't the right time” as an excuse? And how much longer are you willing to put this off?
Beginning the certification process through TBIBP can be a lot like having kids, you know you want to do it, but the truth is - the time is NEVER perfect, is it? I know it never “felt like the right time” for us!
We always thought we needed to save more money or get better jobs before we had kids.
But when you get clear on something you want and you get committed to making it happen, you MAKE the time.
And that’s the choice you’re going to have to make right now.
Are you going to continue putting your dreams off for “someday/one day” that never comes, or are you going to make it happen? If not now, when?